Grand Lake Watershed Mercury Study. 2014. Mercury Exposure among Fish Consumers and Bioaccumulation in Commonly Consumed Fish. Final Report. (full text)
Journal articles
Dong Z et al. 2015. A longitudinal study of mercury exposure associated with consumption of freshwater fish from a reservoir in rural south central USA. Environmental Research. 136:155-162. (full text)
Dong Z et al. 2015. Key contributors to variations in fish mercurywithin and among fresh-water reservoirs in Oklahoma, USA. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts. doi: 10.1039/C5EM00495K (abstract)
Judd N et al. 2015. Fish consumption as a driver of risk-management decisions and human health-based water quality. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 34:2427-2436. (abstract)
The Grand Lake Watershed Mercury Study is supported with funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Grant No.1R21ES017941.