Study team updates
Dr. Zhao Dong and Ann Backus at EPA's Community Involvement Training Conference
In July 2013, Dr. Zhao Dong presented research findings and lessons learned about community-based research at EPA's Community Involvement Training Conference. Outreach coordinator Ann Backus co-organized the session.
Dr. Laurel Schaider and Rebecca Jim at NIEHS environmental justice and environmental health disparities meeting
In July 2013, Dr. Laurel Schaider and Rebecca Jim discussed study findings at the Environmental Health Disparities and Environmental Justice meeting organized by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. They shared lessons learned in developing research-community partnerships in a session about translating research findings to action.
Rebecca Jim at ITEC Annual Meeting
In July 2013, LEAD Agency executive director Rebecca Jim presented study findings at the 18th Annual Inter-Tribal Environmental Council meeting in Tulsa.
Dr. Zhao Dong interviewed by environmental journalists
In March 2013, journalists attending the annual conference of the Association of Health Care Journalists visited the Harvard School of Public Health Trace Metals Laboratory. Dr. Zhao Dong explained her research and tested their hair for mercury. "We're polluting the environment and, ultimately, we're polluting ourselves," said Dr. Dong.
Dr. Bob Lynch at the Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference and Water Research Symposium
In November 2012, Dr. Bob Lynch presented an overview of study findings at the Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference and Water Research Symposium in Tulsa.
Dr. Laurel Schaider at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
In November 2012, Dr. Laurel Schaider presented results of forage fish testing at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry in Long Beach, CA.